So, I told you guys a few months back that I did my first race ever at Cam Sur for the North Face Outdoor Challenge. Now the episode is finally out! See our full adventure here, and watch me get beat by mother nature. But! In the end we crossed that finish line! I would not have survived this if not for my GamePlan TV team. This was something I never though I could do, especially for a first time runner. I learned so much about what it's like training in the outdoors. Something that is far from what I am used to in my indoor studio.
The outdoors is not something you can calculate. The main experience of the race itself, won't even be close to how you trained for it. This was the main challenge I had to deal with as an indoor studio girl. My biggest takeaway comes from a chat we had over dinner with the race director after the event had finished. He said that we are evolving as a species to be less and less adapted to dealing with the outdoors. We spend to much time on our phones that we forget what it's like to climb a boulder, to swim across a lake, to run. These are things that our body should be able to do without even trying. I could not agree more. We don't go outside enough, and most of us have forgotten how much fun it is out there. Our kid selves knew how it should be done. :)
This year, one of my goals is to see myself outside more. Climb up a mountain maybe. Run another race. The world is beautiful. It would be such a shame to miss out on it.
Watch our adventure here!